A Lemon's Story / 一个/拧檬的故事

请点击这里http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjExNDQ1NTAw.html 看 录像作品: “一个拧檬的故事

Click the link to see the video "A lemon's Story"

一个拧檬的故事2010年的近作. 它是用幻灯片式的录像描述了一个特殊拧檬的一生. 它来自德国, 是德国艺术家克罗蒂 莎切在20101月送给我的一件礼物并写了一封信关于这个拧檬的过去, 它已经19岁了. 19年前, 当克罗蒂还是一个艺术院校的大学生时, 她的一个朋友送给她的, 她用它作过艺术. 她非常珍惜这个拧檬, 在过去的19年里, 无论她去那里都带在她身边. 所以这个拧檬在美国不同的城市住过几年, 也在非洲呆过几年.当然它生于德国, 在过去的五年里又住在英国. 现在她知道我在作拧檬方面作品, 她说, 她应该送给我, 让它继续它的檬生之, 换一个主人.


我用一个拧檬的故事告诉克罗蒂,我带着它去看世界. 它去了中国的上海, 杭州和安徽, 并用拧檬的眼睛看风景. 现在, 它与我一起住在温哥华. 在录象里, 也把克罗蒂 莎切给我的信放了进去.


我的拧檬是一种精神, 它外面是黄皮肤, 内在却透明而单纯. 我珍惜我的拥有黄色的皮肤; 单纯, 是我艺术的追求以写我心.




The “Lemon” series artwork is Vancouver based artist june Yun last three years art theme and interest. It originated from a video she made in 2008 called “June Yun’s Self Portrait –Yellow Lemon”, Which had showed as video installation in Canada and France. Currently, the lemon is an extended metaphor for her art. She also uses fewer and simple colours (mostly, black, grey and yellow), to paint some moments of “myself”(she says) - sometimes peaceful and sometimes in turmoil.

A Lemon’s Story” is Yun’s latest video work, it depicts a lemon’s life journey experience - Everyone has his or her own story and a lemon too. Here is a special lemon coming from Germany, a special German artist - Claudia Sache, who gave it to Yun as a present. Therefore, this lemon’s life journey connecting with Yun’s since then. In the “A lemon’s Story” tells the lemon’s spirit is living with the artist; and Yun has seen the life landscape through the lemon’s eye and they travel and live together now...


A lemon’s story, “For June from Claudia”


“Itself, by itself, solely, one everlasting, and single”

                             _ Plato: Symbos.